

Some Notes Worth Keeping

October 17, 2010


"North Star" name of yacht

Make money by selling what people want for less than they, competitors or govt can provide it for.

Vanderbuilt was:
1. Deep knowledge of affairs
2. Willing to face danger
3. A man of his word

Master planner and improviser

The future is made by acts in the present.

October 17, 2010

Tom Peters: Re-Imagine

If you dislike change, you'll like irrelevance even less.

Establish a Sell by date for every business unit.

1:02 first chapter - list of changes company should go thru

Believe in impossible things

Blame no one,expect nothing, do something. Bill Parcels - NY Jets

October 17, 2010

True Wealth

Brad (Bolinger),

I'm sorry to hear about your father.  Susan and I are in Europe and won't be able to make it. 

Even though you knew it was coming soon, I'm certain the finality of it hurts painfully.  Max was a good man and a great Father.  You are living proof of that. 


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