

Some Notes Worth Keeping

Theres a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Rebelling against what is expected

Envision, create and believe in your own universe.  

Packards Law: a great company is more likely to die of indigestion of too much opportunity rather than starvation of too little.

The universe will test your commitment and passion.

Crown Brand: execution. Transformation. Culture.

Ur culture is ur brand.

Define core values. Formalized defn of culture.   Hire and fire on them. The test.
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. - Teacher Antolini

Holden Caulfied is a cynical punk.

October 17, 2010

Culture | Extinction

Culture is the sum total of norms, thoughts and actions of the past.

Extinction is what happens when culture takes you past the point of necessary evolution.

October 17, 2010

Black Swan

The idea of relying on faith, not reason, is known as fideism

NED: no evidence of disease vs. END: evidence of no disease

A thousand days cannot prove you right, but one day can prove you wrong

Searching for weaknesses vs confirming truths makes you great (vs good).

Memory is like a self serving dynamic revision machine: you remember the last time you remembered the event and, without realizing it, change the story at every subsequent rememberence.


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