Small Beginnings and Big Dreams: Three Success Factors- Jill Strahan


Some Notes Worth Keeping

People who make the decisions are the ones who "show up". Woody Hays.

3 success factors
 1 Start
 2 Know where you are going
 3 Don't stop

Businesses grow 1 by 1 by 1

If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!  

When people are faced with a mortality ( a deep understanding that life is short ) they end up with a different perspective on life.

When people have hope for the future, they have power in the present.

Dream it, believe it, work it. If any are out of alignment, you will fail.

What is not nurtured, does not grow

You can't chase two rabbits and catch any one of them.

If you can grow an $X million company, you can run an $X million company.

There are three reactions to fear
1 contract
2 control
3 complain

Thoughts control Emotions which control Actions

Get better not bitter

Hang out with the motors not anchors

We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. - Jim Rolland.

The leader sets the pace of the pack.

Whatever we say yes to, we say no to something else.