Pete Blackshaw: Social Media. Where are we today? Where we're going


Some Notes Worth Keeping

Consumers derive a lot of satisfaction in sharing pain with others.

Predictable talk drivers keep coming up. (figure them out for your business).

Also, if you make it easy, customers will share the love. Blog.

Digital Stampede, Mass Socialization

1 Think Agility. Sense and respond
2 Twitter propels friction free feedback
3 Rise of third moment of truth (what we express)
4 New marketing: Invitation, Interface and Interaction

Social Media is a loyalty play on steroids.

Map out the consumer purchase journey.
Pre Purchase
 Initial consideration
 Active evaluation
 Moment of purchase
Post (by Richard)
 Repeat purchase

Brand Credibility (protect at all cost)
 Transparency(no secrets)
 Affirmation (search results)
 Listening (empathy, humility)
 Responsiveness (follow up)

We've overcomplicated social media.

If you want to get smart about social media, talk to kids.

Use Twitter for new product development ideas and "broken windows"

When customers are angry, the phone really matters.

Resumes are dead. See LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc. BTW, they are forever in ink...