John Moore: WOM. Word of Mouth


Some Notes Worth Keeping

Advertising lies. Proof:  Look at pictures of Arbys and whopper burgers vs the real thing.

20-50% of purchases are influenced by word of mouth

3100 is average life expectancy of small business.

Word of mouth marketing. E^3
1 Experience (give them one)
  Red, Yeller, white (ketchup, mustard, mayo). One way mirror in restaurant. Mighty Fine ( Austin TX). Deliver remarkable experiences.
2 Explanation:  fanatical support promise.
3 Entertaining

Miles Davis (Jazz musician)
 When you hit a bad note, it's the next note that makes it good or bad.

John Coltrane (Jazz musician)
 You can play a shoestring if you are sincere.

1 Be unique (not the best - there is no "best"). Ie Nissan cube.
    To gain a customer, you must be willing to lose a customer. The real growth comes from "too something". Too cheap, too easy, etc

2 Be obvious. The more obvious you are, the more original you appear. Voodoo doughnuts - Portland. Create an experience. Call your cup sizes something different (Starbucks). Create your own language. Create a company "personality"

3 Be affected. 23% of our time on the web is on social media sites. PDA. Public Display of Affection (and aggravation).
 It's not Twitter that matters, but Twitterers (sharing opinions). Whole Foods. 90% of their tweeds are @Somebody.

4 Decide to fix your broken windows. They are visible signs to customers that the business doesn't care enough to fix the small stuff.  Broken windows: " the customer will never notice that"

1 remarkable things get remarked about
2 earn opinions from customers (don't be afraid to be polarizing)
3 learn from conversations you have with customers
4 be confident before you spark WOM conversations with customers