The Art of Racing in the Rain


Some Notes Worth Keeping

Racing is doing.

"What if i don't win"  There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose. Now get out on the track, that's where you belong.

Remembering is the present folding back on the past. Good racers don't remember.

Our successes and failures are brought on by none other than ourselves.

People cheer champions who overcome adversity. Nobody cheers the sun for just rising.

Live every day as though it had been stolen from death

The visible becomes the inevitable (your car goes where your eyes go).

New possibilities emerge for those who are prepared.

The zebra is something inside of us. Our worst fears are inside of us.

Win the race or run out of fuel on the last lap. Don't quit.

Live in health until you are done with life.

You are everything and everything is you.