Answer the Call for Great Leadership: Paul Spiegelman (Beryl)


Some Notes Worth Keeping

Fewer than 1/3 employees are fully engaged.

Technology enables people
Process enables people

Circle of Growth
 Employee Loyalty
 Customer Loyalty
 Profitable Business

 Core purpose


Keys to Recruiting
 Fit vs Skill
 "Congratulations" your now a manager

Know the personal vision of the people on your team

8 Cs
 Commitment to Learning

Get rid of the people that don't believe.

10 ways to engage your employees:
 1 give them a voice
 2 pay them fairly
 3 recognize and reward
 4 offer opportunities for advancement
 5 support out of the box semantics
 6 infiltrate the workplace with fun
 7 send a handwritten note
 8 create traditions
 10 open your heart

Keep it in the big ring - cycling