

Blogs from business

October 15, 2010

Revenue Rally: 6/11/2010

Turn your hat around or your underwear inside out !!!

We are on the cusp of turning the corner and returning to growth – evidence latest deals – (MEP, Lexis, Win and others — we’ve closed as much business through June as we sold all of 2009).  However, it takes some time for sales to turn into revenue.  So, we need all hands on deck from now until the end of June to bill every available hour.  April and May were weak and we must execute.

WIFM – an extra day off over the 4th of July weekend – July 6.

October 15, 2010

Verizon Win Report: 6/7/2010

Nice work, Charlie and team.

This is a great win for Crown and one that should (will) start us out on a multi-year relationship with Verizon.  Bringing the whale to shore is always a difficult feat.  Let’s make sure this is a stellar kick start project with Verizon.  Then, let’s harvest.  Rotting whale meat on the beach, Stinks!

Here’s to a great win, great start and lots of harvesting!
I am pleased to report we had a very successful RED Strategy Session with  with Keith McFarland last week.  The team in Indianapolis worked very long hours and we covered a lot of ground to develop a purpose, business model and go forward plan.  Mark and I fully support the strategy developed by the team.  This email will convey some of the high level messages coming out of the meeting.  You will have an opportunity to learn about the details and ask questions in upcoming smaller group sessions.

At the highest level we defined our purpose as:


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