

Blogs from business

October 19, 2010

3100 Days

The average life expectancy of a business is 3100 days. 8.5 years. FINALLY above average!

October 17, 2010

Survey Says...: 10/15/2010

Which is cooler?

A) Crown closed $3m in business today (Wyndham, MRM/GM, and Mercury)

B) Crown hit $20m in sales for the year today.

C) Crown sent out a $33m SOW today

D) Crown got approval to move forward on the STM project today

E) None of the above. Other.

Responses welcome throughout the weekend!  Reply all.


So, I read (actually listened to) Tony Hsieh’s book (who was the original inspiration for the Crown library).  I must say that it is hands down the best guide for us as a company in building something worth working for (other than a paycheck, of course).  I highly recommend this book for everyone in the company, and by way of this message am approving all expense report line items for the purchase of it (I highly recommend the audio version as Tony tells the story himself with some additional interviews w/ him).


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