

Some Notes Worth Keeping

February 15, 2011

Power Play

Watch for the difference between "Power Plays", "Plays of Greatness" and "Lucky Shots" in life, business as well as sports.

Thought for the day...

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40 Under 40 Questions for winners -
Name: Richard Hearn
Job title: CEO and Managing Director
Company: Crown Partners, LLC

February 10, 2011

Business design as a city...

What if we had no hierarchical org charts? I've found only trouble from org charts and little benefit. We've moved more towards a client facing chart recently. But, taking it a step farther, what if a mind map was the organization structure? What if we built companies more like cities?

Read this for more:

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December 17, 2010


What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria, a virus, an intestinal worm? No. An idea!

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October 17, 2010

How are we doing? REALLY

Tactical (obvious)
Strategic (undercurrent)

Q3 tactical legs
  Sales - rockin
  Delivery - good, but stretched and underpaid
  Capital - Bank good and improving

3 strategic legs
  Strategy: alignment and momentum - good
  Culture: empowered and supportive (venerable), evolving
  Execution: do what u say u will. Efficient and effective

A company is only a group of people. That's it. The rest can be acquired elsewhere.  Richard Branson. Virgin.

October 17, 2010


There is an abundance of time to do it today and limited time in the future.

It's the only thing you can never get back.

October 17, 2010

The Great Gatsby: Fitzgerald

Discovered while reading:

Everyone builds self confidence in life.  Its intriguing to figure out what one's is:

Examples I've discovered:
  • The shroud of intelligence.  Especially introverted, unsocial ones.
  • the shroud of looks (especial un-intelligent ones)
  • the shroud of athletics (usually with looks, but without intelligence)
  • businessmen: entrepeneurs (usually making up for the lack of belonging in the past).
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired.
Man is venerable only in his pride, but delicate as Humpty Dumpty once that is meddled with.

Good manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handled with gloves.  Now, human respect - you don't call a man a coward or a liar lightly, but if you spend your life sparing people's feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you can't distinguish what should be respected in them.

October 17, 2010


Differentiate, Select, Amplify

No Designer, just an initial design that has evolved.


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