New Crown Partners LinkedIn Group: 3/21/2009


Blogs from business

I’ve created a Crown Partners LinkedIn Group out on LinkedIn.  I invited everybody (Crown employees) that is already a LinkedIn connection of mine.  If you didn’t get an invite, go to LinkedIn and search for the “Crown Partners” Group and request to join this group.  If you have a email address, you will automatically be joined (or at least should be).  If now, I can approve you after you request to join.

I’d like to begin leveraging the free social networking sites to improve our communication.  Some ideas include:

1.       Using LinkedIn as our formal resume database that we use to send to clients when they want to know who they are getting on a project.
2.       Using LinkedIn Groups as a way to have discussions about things that we need everybody’s help on to move the company forward.
3.       Using LinkedIn or FaceBook (or even MySpace) as a way to deliver the company newsletter (rather than a static emailed PDF document).
4.       Consolidate all of our RSS feeds at LinkedIn Crown Group (like Malcolm’s Blog, HubSpot Statistics, LeadLander website stats, etc.).
5.       Using Twitter as a way for People to share what it is they are working on (I created my first twitter account last night and will begin to update it with things I’m doing to move the company forward).

We need to get away from the top down, rules oriented, communication that we and most companies are use to.  We need to start and evolve to communicate as a group in a more networked fashion.

If you have ideas, please contribute to the thread on the Crown Partners LinkedIn Group.
