Holiday Party: 11/21/2007


Blogs from business

October 15, 2010

Holiday Party: 11/21/2007

I wanted to address a topic that was brought to my attention by the Culture Cadre (which is precisely why we have this great group). 

In the past, we have invited spouses to Crown’s holiday party.  Given the small group of folks in the past, and that we use to have the party on a Saturday, we felt it made sense to invite spouses.  This year, we have decided to change this tradition.  Please allow me to explain:

We now have almost 120 employees (almost double what it was last year at this time).  Many of whom you (and even I) haven’t met.  We really want this Crown Camp and Holiday party to be a time when we can all come together as a company.  Dedicated time that we can spend getting to know each other, share ideas, share war stories, commiserate, and generally have fun with one another.  We felt this was best facilitated by having this party dedicated to this theme, and dedicated to the employee base.  We also felt that in not having spouses attend that it was best to have the party on Friday night so you can get home to your families without too much time away on the weekend. 

I know some of your spouses look forward to the event.  Mine particularly was disappointed that she would not be attending, but understood that spending time outside of normal daily business, with each other, was important. 

I hope this helps in communicating the intent of the holiday party, and I thank the Culture Cadre for bringing the need for additional communication to my attention.

Have a great holiday weekend and safe travels to everyone,