AcuSport Success


Blogs from business

January 28, 2012

AcuSport Success

Wanted to send you an update and let you know about the successful launch of a prototype forAcuSportAcuSport is in the firearm distribution business and has a network of thousands of independent retailers that it serves. It has a vision of providing them an integrated suite of Web-based marketing tools with the strategy of understanding the overall analytics of those stores and using that information to have greater weight with the gun manufacturers. It’s a big vision with a large opportunity and payout for Crown when we fully secure the deal!

Step one was to develop an ecommerce-based prototype and present it to their independent retailers at their annual Business Conference. We had less than a month to understand the requirements, strategize the approach, develop, create and present this initiative. (And we had the holidays and Crown Camp to contend with…)

BUT, we set the date and we hit it. In fact, from the client perspective we hit it out of the park. There’s still more work to be done and we’ll be modifying our approach and our pricing models as a result of real-time feedback, but this was a great team effort that I knew you’d want to know about.  If you’d like to check out what we developed, you can go to: 

So many people from the eBiz team were involved, and I hope I don’t leave anyone out. Should you have the opportunity to pat them on the back… would you do so?

Special thanks to: Ryan Street, Chad Childress, Maggie McKenzie, Joey Newman, Will Visalli, Jill Fleming, Carrie Bennett, Justin Robinson, Cory Crozier, Rob Miller, Malcolm Bliss, Richard Hearn, Kyle Priest and many others that no doubt supported them.

Chip Rosales
Director, eBusiness Marketing