2007 Business Plan: 1/13/2007


Blogs from business


It’s not too difficult to see how hard everybody is working.  We have 34 projects at 14 clients going on right now which should tell the story in and of itself.  And in doing so, sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees, or understand how the activities your executing on at the moment fit into the bigger picture for the company, and ultimately for you individually.

So, to that end, I’ve attached a copy of our 2007 Business Plan.  This document is our playbook.  It is the result of 6 months of planning which ultimately resulted in the presentation I gave to you all (or at least most of you) at the Holiday Party in December.  In addition to being our playbook, this 31 page document is also the plan that we provide our Board of Advisors and bankers when they are evaluating the direction of our company.

I welcome each and every one of you to read, re-read and ask questions me or anyone on the Executive Team.  My hope is what you see in this plan serves to reinforce messages that you have already heard, and ultimately helps you to understand what our playbook is and ultimately how you can help yourself and your team in executing plays (I had to use the football analogy, given the big playoff weekend).

Sincerest Regards,